Success Story - Payment System Innovation with Salesforce Sales

Success Story - Payment System Innovation with Salesforce Sales

Discover how Wannme, a customizable and flexible payment platform, transformed sales and payment management with the implementation of Salesforce Sales, optimizing processes and maximizing opportunities.

Wannme: Innovation in Financial Services in Spain

Wannme is an innovative platform that offers payment solutions tailored to the needs of large and small businesses.

Customizable, modular, and flexible, Wannme facilitates the automation of a wide range of financial transactions, including collections, recurring payments, payment recovery, and marketplace operations.

Challenges in Sales and Payment Management

Wannme faced challenges in efficiently managing leads and suppliers. 

It was essential to integrate comprehensive information from these groups into the sales cycles and minimize the manual work involved in these processes to improve effectiveness and accuracy in daily operations.

Implemented Solution: Salesforce Sales

To address these challenges, Wannme implemented Salesforce Sales. 

This solution provided the necessary control over the sales cycles and the configuration of payment solutions, dynamically adapting to the demands of each customer and the various departments involved.

Impact of Salesforce Sales on Wannme's Efficiency

The adoption of Salesforce Sales resulted in substantial improvements in Wannme's operations:

  • Real-time control of the entire sales cycle and payment processes, from onboarding to activation with suppliers and technical teams.
  • Identification and implementation of new payment methods and use cases, enriching Wannme's offering.
  • Personalized sales processes that perfectly align with Wannme's needs, ensuring more efficient management.
  • Clear vision and effective management of all commercial actions, minimizing the loss of critical information.
  • Significant acceleration of sales cycles, with quicker identification of new business opportunities.

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