
Statement on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI)

Timestamp's Vision & Mission Statements on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI)

Vision: At Timestamp, we envision a workplace where diversity is embraced, equality is upheld, and inclusion is inherent. Our goal is to create an environment where every employee feels valued, respected, and empowered to bring their unique perspective.

Mission: Timestamp is committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace by implementing sustainable DEI practices, promoting cultural competency, and ensuring equal opportunities for all employees. We strive to be a leader in DEI within the IT industry, driving positive change both within our organization and the broader community.

Objectives & Goals

Objective 1: Workforce Diversity

  • Goal: Ensure that there is no discrimination in the management and hiring of new employees that could prevent the growth of a diverse workforce.
    • Specific: Target recruitment efforts to eliminate discrimination of any nature.
    • Measurable: Track representation metrics quarterly.
    • Achievable: Review and update recruitment policies and procedures to eliminate discriminatory practices and promote inclusivity.
    • Relevant: Enhance creativity and innovation through diverse perspectives.
    • Time-bound: By December 2025.

Objective 2: Promote Inclusive Culture

  • Goal: Achieve a 85% employee satisfaction rate regarding inclusion and belonging by end-2024.
    • Specific: Implement regular inclusion initiatives and feedback mechanisms.
    • Measurable: Conduct annual employee surveys.
    • Achievable: Launch one cultural competency workshop and inclusive leadership training.
    • Relevant: Foster a supportive and inclusive work environment.
    • Time-bound: By December 2024.

Objective 3: Ensure Equitable Advancement Opportunities

  • Goal: Ensure 100% of promotion processes are transparent and equitable by the end of 2024.
    • Specific: Revise promotion policies and implement bias mitigation strategies.
    • Measurable: Audit promotion outcomes and employee feedback.
    • Achievable: Provide training for managers on equitable practices and unconscious bias.
    • Relevant: Ensure fair career progression opportunities for all employees.
    • Time-bound: By December 2024.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

1. Employee Satisfaction Survey:

  • Measure employee satisfaction rates related to inclusion and belonging.
  • Track improvements in satisfaction scores over time.

2. Diversity Metrics:

  • Monitor the demographic makeup of the workforce.
  • Assess the result of diversity in recruitment processes.

3. Promotion Equity:

  • Analyse promotion rates across different demographic groups.
  • Ensure transparency and fairness in the promotion process.

4. Training Participation:

  • Track attendance and feedback for DEI related training sessions.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of training programs in enhancing cultural competency.

Performance Metrics and Continuous Improvement

  • Metrics Tracking:
    • Use HR analytics tools to monitor progress on diversity metrics, training participation, and promotion equity.
    • Report on DEI KPIs in annual reports to maintain transparency and accountability.
  • Process Tweaks:
    • Regularly assess and adjust DEI initiatives based on feedback and performance data.
    • Implement changes to current practices, training programs, and inclusion initiatives as needed.
  • Ongoing Approach:
    • Promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement by encouraging open dialogue on DEI topics.
    • Celebrate milestones and achievements in DEI efforts to maintain momentum and engagement.

The action plan we drew up based on all the above assumptions is currently being implemented and regularly monitored.


By implementing this comprehensive DEI strategy, Timestamp aims to create a workplace where non-discrimination will impact diversity, equity, and inclusion positively, making them integral components of our organizational culture in a natural way. We believe that these practices will drive innovation, enhance employee satisfaction, and position us as a leader within the IT industry. Through strong leadership commitment and continuous improvement, we are dedicated to making lasting positive changes that reflect our core values and mission.

Lisbon, July 22nd, 2024